Canine Hip Dysplasia is a hip disorder that can range from painful to disabling. It is important that all animals intended for breeding be certified with one of two programs to ensure that any litters they produce will be physically sound. Newtown Vet offers two types of certification: PennHIP and OFA.
Hip Dysplasia or Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a disorder of the hips that leads to arthritis. It can occur in any size or breed of dog (and even in cats) but is of greatest concern in large and giant breed dogs where it tends to be most debilitating/painful. All dogs intended for breeding should be screened for CHD.
There are two primary certification programs for CHD: OFA – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and PennHIP – Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program.
OFA and PennHIP Certification appointments are only scheduled on Dr. Ireland’s surgery days. Your pet is dropped off in the morning between 7am – 8am, stays for the day, and is picked up after 5pm that evening. This procedure does require anesthesia and pre-op blood work. Your pet must also be up to date on all vaccines.
To complete the certification, your dog must have some sort of permanent ID (microchip or tattoo), an AKC registration number, and sire and dam information. For a permanent OFA, your pet must be at least 2 years old.