
How is Monkeypox Spread?

Pox viruses are airborne like Covid 19 but the viral load required to make someone sick is much higher so they generally require prolonged contact in a confined air space – generally.

It is MUCH easier to get Monkey Pox from contact with the secretions from the skin lesions. If the secretions come into contact with mucous membranes or an open sore, the viral load required to infect the host (human or animal) is much lower. 

Unlike Covid 19, Monkey Pox patients are NOT contagious before they are symptomatic – this in theory should prevent Monkey Pox from being a full blown pandemic as long as people with symptoms isolate. 

The quarantine for anyone with symptoms of Monkey Pox is THREE WEEKS!

Can dogs get Monkey Pox from humans? 


What are the symptoms/signs? 

Fever and blisters around the mouth and anus, possibly elsewhere. 

Can cats get Monkey Pox from humans? 

Probably. All mammals are susceptible to Pox viruses but they have only been studied in lab animals (rodents and rabbits).  It has not been confirmed in cats – yet. 

Signs/symptoms? Same as dogs we think. 

Can humans get Monkey Pox from symptomatic dogs/cats/animals? 


Can asymptomatic animals spread the virus from an infected human to another? 

Possibly, but spread would have to be from virus on their fur or collar/leash that come in contact with an open wound or mucous membrane. The risk is considered very low but possible.

Human has confirmed Monkey Pox what should they do to safeguard their animals? 

If possible, avoid contact with their pets for the 3 week quarantine. 

If they have already been in contact with their pets they should not allow anyone else to come in contact with their pets without proper PPEs.

Can I bring my pet in for medical care if I am quarantined for Monkeypox? 

For routine care, NO! Please postpone your appointment until after your quarantine ends. 

For urgent care or an emergency? YES – for curbside appointments only.  Please advise us when calling or arriving.  We will treat the patient as potentially infectious.  Staff will need full PPE including face shield, gown, gloves, shoe covers. We will limit staff and travel within the hospital to an absolute minimum and disinfect all areas the patient traveled through.

We will continue to update this Q&A as more information is available about the risk to our pets.  For human information, please contact your doctor or mainstream medical websites.