Dear Valued Clients,
As we hope you and your pets are keeping healthy during this unprecedented time, we must all remember that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. Bucks County has entered the “green” phase of reopening but we must continue to follow the protocols we have set in place at the hospital, both for your safety and the safety of our staff. Unfortunately, “green” is not a return to life as we knew it and probably won’t be for a long time. On a positive note, we are now able to begin resuming some routine care and elective procedures. This is great news but we need to insure that we can continue to expand our services for your pets SAFELY.
From the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, our singular focus has been on keeping our clients and staff as safe as possible while providing pet care within the guidelines established by PA and the AVMA. Unfortunately this meant increasing distance from each other. We closed the hospital to human visitors and maintained our normal hours of operation by splitting our staff into two teams to minimize potential risk and exposure for all.
This hasn’t been easy and is a disruption for all. If you’ve had a sick pet in the past 3 months, you have already experienced our busy phone lines, delayed call backs and difficulty scheduling appointments but you have also witnessed our staff’s willingness to go above and beyond to care for your pet, communicate with you and keep you and your family safe.
As we add back routine appointments and services, our first priority must be to our sick and injured patients but we are working hard to facilitate the back log of routine care. We simply ask for your continued patience and support.
Curbside service is the new normal and there are a few things you can do to help:
- Please reschedule when you can’t keep an appointment. On a recent day we had 3 No Shows and a long list of patients who could have filled those appointments.
- Bring a fully charged cellphone so the doctor can contact you during the exam. If you don’t have a cellphone please tell us when the appointment is scheduled.
- Schedule routine appointments well in advance. We are currently booking annual wellness appointments three weeks out.
- Allow additional time for medication and food refills to allow for delivery delays whenever possible.
- All clients are REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS. You will not be serviced if you don’t have a face covering and will need to make a new appointment.
The doctors and staff of Newtown Vet are doing their very best to accommodate everyone, but we really do need your help, understanding and patience.
We are in this together and will get through it, together.
Thank You,
The Doctors and Staff
Newtown Vet Hospital